Distinguishing Between Certified and Legal Translations in Their Role

In the complex and interconnected world of international communication, the need for accurate and reliable language translation services has never been greater.

Among the professionals filling this crucial role are sworn translators, individuals who play a pivotal role in bridging linguistic gaps and ensuring legal documents are accurately conveyed in different languages.

Certified translations mainly deal with official, procedural, and tax documents, and only certified translators are authorized to perform them. If you’re wondering about the difference between certified and legal translations and whether you need a regular translation or a certified one, this article has the answers.

In this article, we delve into the distinctions between certified and legal translations, shedding light on the specialized tasks undertaken by sworn translators and their vital contributions to the legal and business realms.

Understanding the Role of Sworn Translators

When you need to translate important documents like a birth certificate, car purchase agreement, or school-leaving certificate, or even literary texts, brochures, private correspondence, or operating instructions, you may require the services of a certified translator. These specialists have the necessary permissions and seals to authenticate their translations.

A sworn translator, also known as a certified translator, is an individual who has undergone rigorous training and has been officially recognized and authorized by a government or legal authority to translate documents of legal importance. These professionals are entrusted with the responsibility of producing accurate and legally binding translations, making their role indispensable in various sectors.

Certified Translations

Certified translations refer to the accurate translation of official documents, such as birth certificates, academic transcripts, and legal contracts. These documents often require certification to be recognized by authorities in a different linguistic and legal context.

In many jurisdictions, a sworn translator is required to attach a signed statement or affidavit affirming the accuracy of the translation and their competence to carry out such tasks. This certification is a crucial component, instilling confidence in the authenticity and reliability of the translated content.

Certified and legal translations don’t differ in content, focusing on accurate grammar, style, and language. However, the key distinction lies in the legal consequences of the two types of documents.

Certified translations have specific requirements, with the translator’s seal, signature, and a certifying clause making them official. They can be in paper or electronic form, with digital translations having a qualified electronic signature. If errors result in losses for the client, certified translators can be held legally responsible.

Legal Translations

On the other hand, legal translations encompass a wide range of legal documents. This can include contracts, court documents, patents, and various legal instruments. Sworn translators engaged in legal translations must possess a deep understanding of legal terminology, nuances, and the specific legal systems involved.

Legal translators are experts in the field of law and have a good understanding of the legal procedures in the country they are translating for. They also have the necessary knowledge of legal terms required for this type of translation. For legal documents to be recognized as valid and official by the law, they often need to be certified.

Key Skills of Sworn Translators

Being a sworn translator is more than just being able to speak two languages. It’s about being an expert in those languages. Besides translating between languages, sworn translators understand nuances, idioms, and cultural subtleties that can have a significant impact on a document’s meaning. There are several key skills that a sworn translator must possess when translating existing documents.

Linguistic Proficiency

Sworn translators are not just bilingual; they are experts in the languages they work with. They understand the nuances, idioms, and cultural differences that can affect the meaning of a document.

Legal Knowledge

In addition to linguistic skills, sworn translators possess a deep understanding of legal systems, terminology, and procedures. This expertise is essential for accurately translating legal documents without losing their legal significance.

Attention to Detail

Precision is paramount in the world of sworn translation. These professionals are meticulous in their work, ensuring that every word and phrase is accurately translated and reflects the original document’s intent.

How Legal and Certified Translators Differ from Regular Translation Jobs

Translating legal and official documents is not the same as translating regular paperwork. There are strict formatting rules to follow, and the language used is different from everyday English. These translation tasks often come with extra requirements, such as tight deadlines and specific privacy concerns.

In simple terms, just because a translation is for legal purposes doesn’t mean it’s automatically certified, and a certified translation isn’t always suitable for legal purposes.

If a translation is related to a legal topic, it’s considered legal. However, any translation (whether it’s legal, technical, literary, or scientific) that needs to be given to an organization requiring an authenticated signature will be seen as certified, as long as it meets the criteria set by the Translators’ Association.

It’s crucial to understand the potential impact on the client’s operations. When translating official documents, it’s advisable to collaborate with a certified translation agency.

Main Differences in Certified and Legal Translations

When it comes to finding the right manpower for translating documents, you should know the differences between legal and certified translations:


When it comes to translating content, the key distinctions lie in the type of material being translated. Regular translations can cover a broad range of written content, whereas legal translations are specific to certain texts that employ a particular legal language.


The purpose of translating legal documents is akin to certifying them through a notary and an apostille for validity in foreign countries. This ensures that the document remains clear and accurate even in places where laws differ from the country of origin. Regular translations, on the other hand, must maintain the original meaning of the text.

Structure and Formatting

In terms of structure and formatting, legal documents share common elements like definitions, statements, and authoritative references. Translators tackling legal documents must use terminology that aligns with the laws of the source country while preserving meaning in the target country or culture. This process can be challenging, especially when laws vary significantly between the countries involved.

Legal documents typically adhere to standardized formats, much like contracts following specific rules and structures. In contrast, regular documents may vary based on their intended purpose, while legal documents vary based on their subject or field of law, such as bankruptcy, medicine, or engineering.

Aspects of Legal and Certified Translators

The first step is to hire a professional translation agency if there are documents that need to be translated. But before that, it’s crucial to know what kind of translation is needed for the project. Let’s start to see the aspects between the two.

Legal Writing is Not Like Regular English

It’s quite distinct and can be challenging for those who are used to everyday English. When one composing documents in the legal style, it becomes even more complex. That’s why it’s beneficial to collaborate with a certified translation service.

The experts at the agency understand how to organize their sentences and translate content while staying true to the expected style, preserving the authenticity of the documents throughout the process.

Simple Language Version

Legal documents have specific rules about how they should look, different from regular paperwork. It’s crucial to get the formatting right, especially if the document is going to government agencies. Even if it’s just for a business partner or client, they’ll likely expect the right format.

Always Choose Literal Translations Over Creative Ones

Opting for certified translation services ensures that the translation is done directly and without any creative deviations. While translation work can be creative in general, it’s crucial to prioritize accuracy for legal documents.

In this context, there’s no room for creativity – translations must be as literal as possible. It’s essential to prevent the translator from adding their own interpretation or altering the original intended meaning in any way.


In conclusion, the roles of certified and legal translations are integral in facilitating effective communication across borders. Sworn translators, armed with linguistic proficiency and legal knowledge, play a crucial part in ensuring that legal documents maintain their accuracy and legal standing in different languages.

As businesses and legal processes become increasingly globalized, the demand for the expertise of sworn translators is likely to grow, emphasizing the importance of understanding and appreciating their distinct roles in the field of translation.

PeMad offers a complete service that takes care of everything you need. Even if you have last-minute tasks, we’ve got you covered. Don’t hesitate to reach out to PeMad for more complex projects as well. Our experts have dealt with a variety of situations over the years, so they’re well-equipped to handle whatever comes up in your projects.









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Farhan Khairy

A professional writer who loves to write for people's needs. It can be anything as long as it stays to give people information and knowledge. He aims to change every people into a knowledgeable person. With that goal in mind, every writing counts as the medium. “Knowledge exists in many forms in this world. Some are contained in books, some are found in nature.”

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